
“This is what I'm doing and this is what I signed up for. So, I'm going to continue with it.”


This is part of a series on Grace Heights Health and Rehabilitation — which had over 40 residents and 35 staff members test positive for COVID.

MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA: I’ve been the Activities Director at Grace Heights for almost a year. When we heard of the first positive, everybody thought, “Oh my goodness! Did I sit next to that person? Or did I have any encounters with them?” Because I work with a vulnerable population it was a little more worrisome. I told myself, “You gotta be accountable for yourself. Take the correct precautions, practice good hygiene, and wear protective equipment when you’re in the halls.” It's definitely scary when someone you work with gets it. But, I kept pushing forward and focused on what I’m here to do. That helped me find peace with it.

My mom asked, “Do you need to quit your job so you're not working with vulnerable people?” I told her this is part of health care. This is what you sign up for when you do a job like this — especially the nurses and the people who work in direct care. This is what you sign up for. In my head, I thought, “I'm gonna stick with it and go through it.” A lot of places wouldn't take people with COVID so these are people we have to take care of. 

A lot of places wouldn't take people with COVID

I was afraid of taking it home to my family or to my grandparents — especially as their health is declining. I'd have hated it if I brought something home to them. But, they got it before I did. My grandma is usually home all the time, but she did go to the grocery store when she needed to. We figured she got it and then passed it to my grandpa. I decided to separate myself so I could still go to work and feel comfortable that I wasn't bringing anything in. My grandma got over it pretty quickly. My grandpa had a little more trouble with it. But, they both recovered. 

Weeks and weeks later, I got it. I have no idea where. I went to the grocery store and places, but only when I absolutely needed to. Despite being careful when I go out I could have gotten it from a grocery store, from work or from anything. It's crazy. 

I actually didn't know at first. Nowadays, you get a little scratchy throat and you think you have it. My symptoms started with trouble clearing my throat. I felt really fatigued and lethargic. The first day I was out of it the whole day. I just felt really tired. I thought it was because I went on a walk earlier in the sun. I went to bed that night and slept for 15 hours. I woke up feeling tired. I started forming a sore throat and a cough. The second night was the worst. I had zero energy. I couldn't think straight. My body ached, I felt dizzy and my head was scrambled. Every time I got up to do something or move, it was a chore. When I turned my head and looked one way it felt like I couldn't see clearly. Thankfully, I went to urgent care after that first night. That's when they tested me. 

On day 3 or 4 I did lose my sense of taste and smell.  It lasted about a week and a half. I think I have it back now, I dunno because I'm wearing a mask all day, so I don't know if I can smell as well or not. Otherwise, my symptoms lasted for 3-4 days. After that, I still had a headache but I was okay. It was just gaining that energy back. I don't really have lingering symptoms. It took a while, but my energy is back where it was. Sometimes it's hard to clear my throat, but I have bad allergies too.  I'm super lucky that I had mild symptoms that only lasted for a short amount of time. So that's really cool. Besides my grandparents, no one else in my family's gotten it, so that's awesome too.

Coming back to work was a relief. The first day I thought, “Wow, I really need to get my act together.”  It felt like I had no energy just walking up and down the hall several times. But, it was good to be back”

This is what I'm doing and this is what I signed up for. So, I'm going to continue with it.

If you’re in the healthcare field and you're passionate. I wouldn't let it scare you from doing what you want to do. I know a lot of people are scared and want to quit because they don't want to get this. That's a valid point. They don't want to get out and take it home to their families. For me, it is a mindset. This is what I'm doing and this is what I signed up for. So, I'm going to continue with it.




