Administrator Administrator


“I was technically one of the first 50 cases in the city to be confirmed.”

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Administrator Administrator


“I used to run five to seven miles three days a week, and then a ten to fifteen mile run on the weekends… I felt like I had been hit by a truck… I can’t remember being that sick since I had strep throat in my early twenties.”

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Administrator Administrator


“Other people my age in this community say it’s fake and that people are trying to make it seem way worse than it actually is. Working as a receptionist at Grace Heights, I saw how many people were dying and that made me take it more seriously.”

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Administrator Administrator


“For me, it is a mindset. This is what I'm doing and this is what I signed up for. So, I'm going to continue with it.”

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Administrator Administrator


“I'm not gonna lie, before I caught it, I was one of those people who believed COVID was a government conspiracy theory, like the 5G towers and new world order kind of stuff.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


After being hospitalized from COVID, Yvonne asked herself if she had died, would she have done everything she wanted to do. “No,” she thought. So she began to secretly work on one of her dreams.

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“Then a light bulb went off. Twelve days I was asleep. The only information I had was I got shot. And the nurse said, ‘I'm glad you're better now.’ That's what I took and ran with.”

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