Administrator Administrator

Teresa, RN

“Until you've gone through it or saw somebody go through it, you have no idea.”

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Administrator Administrator


“Other people my age in this community say it’s fake and that people are trying to make it seem way worse than it actually is. Working as a receptionist at Grace Heights, I saw how many people were dying and that made me take it more seriously.”

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Administrator Administrator


“I'm old enough to remember the polio epidemic. I must have been six or seven years old. We had it really bad in Caldwell County and I have relatives who are still paralyzed from it. I was very young, but I do remember schools being closed, which was a big thing.”

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Administrator Administrator


“Compared to MS, my COVID experience is nothing. I've had a cold that was worse. It was just an inconvenience.”

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Administrator Administrator


“For me, it is a mindset. This is what I'm doing and this is what I signed up for. So, I'm going to continue with it.”

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Administrator Administrator


“I had the symptoms, but I didn't have the battle.”

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Administrator Administrator


“I wasn't that sick. I just wasn't feeling the best.”

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Administrator Administrator


“We've seen a lot of death, more than what I expected. I know people die in this population, but it came so fast and furious. It wasn't what I was expected.”

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Administrator Administrator


“One night I laid down and I couldn't get up the next morning. I couldn’t move nothing.”

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Administrator Administrator


“There's a very low percentage of facilities that would accept COVID patients from the hospital. At a time like this, I feel like it's our duty as a healthcare provider to provide these people a safe place when others won't and we will continue to.”

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