Administrator Administrator


“Every time I got out of the shower, more clumps kept falling out of my hair. I thought I was going bald.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“People talk about the physical effects of COVID-19, but no one really talks about the mental health impact. I was not mentally prepared for this.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator

Mike & Silvana

“I remember getting a call and in the faintest voice, she said goodbye to me. My mom, who I love and often refer to as my best friend, said goodbye to me.”

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Administrator Administrator


“If you ever question whether God was real or not, just look at me because it could have easily, easily, easily taken me out.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“I don't know if it was an angel or God, but my lungs were shutting down and they were trying to weigh out options for me to get more air. Then…”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“There were so many times I thought it was time to go to the hospital, but the fear was paralyzing. The physical toll was massive, however, the anxiety and fear was crippling.”

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