Mike & Silvana


EAST BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY: In late March, my parents first showed symptoms of coronavirus. My dad who works in logistics, which is considered an essential business, was still going into the office. He tested positive shortly after experiencing symptoms, but not in time to contain the spread to my mom. They both began a long battle with the virus that spanned well over two and a half months. 

My parents, both healthy, in great shape, and with no pre-existing conditions, had what would be considered mild cases. Although, it felt anything but mild at the time. Fevers were high, ambulances had to be called and there was a night when my mom thought it was her last. That night was April 7th, I remember getting a call and in the faintest voice, she said goodbye to me. My mom, who I love and often refer to as my best friend, said goodbye to me. I cannot put into words the pain I felt at that moment. I live 45 minutes from them and raced to their house, the entire time on the phone with my sister, both of us crying hysterically preparing for what we thought was the end. When I got to the house, the paramedics were still there. I want to thank them for taking such good care of my parents and also for taking their time to calm me down and explain to me the situation. They mentioned three members of their unit also came down with the virus. 

Both my parents said the nights were the worst with uncontrollable shaking and sweating—the body’s struggle to fight the virus. When you fight COVID-19 you really are enduring it alone. The hardest part for us as a family was to be isolated from one another when all you want to do is love and care for them. The closest interaction we had (other than Facetime which really was amazing for this) was when I would sit outside their backyard door on days they felt good enough to get out of bed. I just needed to be close to them.

I am so so thankful that in mid-June, just in time for Father's Day, they both finally tested negative and we were able to see each other again for the first time in months! 

I hope nobody has to be in me or my siblings' position, watching people they love fight something with everything they have and you can't do anything to help them. This virus is still very much a threat and after seeing the road to recovery I hope we continue to take it seriously.



