Administrator Administrator


Miraculously, after eight days on a ventilator and thirty days in the hospital, Mike was able to walk back into his home.

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Administrator Administrator


“A medical team in PPE came into my room, and my doctor said they were going to put me on a ventilator…”

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Administrator Administrator


“I was hospitalized for 29 days and ventilated for 10. I had kidney failure, blood clots, a dangerous reaction to a blood thinner, and infections while I was in a coma for 3.5 weeks. My family prepared for my death, but God decided it wasn't my time to go.”

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Administrator Administrator


MaElena didn’t think she could have children. When she got pregnant and COVID, doctors did an emergency c-section and then put her on a ventilator. 67 days later she held her baby for the first time.

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Administrator Administrator


“After catching COVID-19, I was on a ventilator for 14 days. Doctors said I had a 15% chance of surviving. I’m 68 years old. I have no underlying conditions. But, I beat the odds. Here’s my story and why I think I made it.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“Then a light bulb went off. Twelve days I was asleep. The only information I had was I got shot. And the nurse said, ‘I'm glad you're better now.’ That's what I took and ran with.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“I don't know if it was an angel or God, but my lungs were shutting down and they were trying to weigh out options for me to get more air. Then…”

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