Administrator Administrator


Lack of PPE, insufficient safety protocols, and lack of testing contributed to this physical therapist and 60% of her colleagues contracting COVID-19.

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Administrator Administrator


“In order to go back to work, I should be able to handle a full shift in PPE, and I can’t do that yet. Right now even when I wear my N95 mask to go to the grocery store, I start coughing after about half an hour of wearing it. I definitely can't wear the PPE for a full eight hours.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“I’ve had the flu twice as an adult and this is not like the flu at all. When you get the flu, you get the symptoms, but then you’re back to normal right away. That didn’t happen to me. I’m still dealing with lingering symptoms.”

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Administrator Administrator


“I was breathing in fire. I was burning inside. Blazing, excruciating fiery breaths…The thought of dragons but instead of breathing out flames, the flames roared inside me from the tip of my nose through my lungs.”

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Administrator Administrator

Teresa, RN

“Until you've gone through it or saw somebody go through it, you have no idea.”

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Administrator Administrator


“We've seen a lot of death, more than what I expected. I know people die in this population, but it came so fast and furious. It wasn't what I was expected.”

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Administrator Administrator


After 17 weeks of unexplainable, ongoing symptoms, Monica was diagnosed with COVID-induced lupus and is still fighting for workmen's compensation despite catching COVID at work.

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Administrator Administrator


“My body could not have survived this in the state it is in without the hand of God intervening.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“I was diagnosed May 16, 2016 with Multiple sclerosis (MS). I've had it since 2006 undiagnosed. I managed it up until recently with COVID.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“My body doesn’t respond to bacteria and viruses in the way a healthy person’s immune system responds. You’re supposed to fight it. I kind of invite it over for lunch and help it hurt me.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator

Dr. Odutola

“I was on call overnight in the ICU. When I came back home, I was exhausted so I went to my room to sleep. Around noon, I was really deep asleep and I heard my door​ like someone was going to break down the door…”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator

Dr. Joe Feuerstein

“I am proof positive that you can recover and that there is the possibility for a happy ending after COVID-19.”

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