Administrator Administrator


She caught Covid early on, spent months recovering, and is now working to rebuild her life.

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Administrator Administrator


“Eight days later I woke up, in a different hospital, from a ventilator. I was surrounded by Drs and Nursing staff, clapping and crying, ‘You’re alive! Praise God!’”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“I’ve had the flu twice as an adult and this is not like the flu at all. When you get the flu, you get the symptoms, but then you’re back to normal right away. That didn’t happen to me. I’m still dealing with lingering symptoms.”

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Administrator Administrator


“Three months after recovering, COVID reignited my rare autoimmune skin condition.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator

The Revelants

After Paul brought it home, COVID-19 spread like wildfire to everyone in their house. Though they had some similar symptoms, they all experienced it differently and for varying periods of time over the next month.

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“If COVID is a hoax, then I’m a hoax. I’m proof that COVID is real.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“COVID didn’t come with a receipt. I don’t know where I got it and I can’t take it back.”

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Administrator Administrator


“This was a wake-up​ call for me. I never thought COVID-19 would catch up to me so I wanted to share my story so people take it seriously.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“I was diagnosed May 16, 2016 with Multiple sclerosis (MS). I've had it since 2006 undiagnosed. I managed it up until recently with COVID.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“My body doesn’t respond to bacteria and viruses in the way a healthy person’s immune system responds. You’re supposed to fight it. I kind of invite it over for lunch and help it hurt me.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“For the first week when I did go somewhere, I carried that letter that I was free of quarantine with me just kind of to show people.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“I know I got it from my wife being that we’re together most of the time. She came home one day from work and said that everybody in her pharmacy simultaneously lost their sense of smell.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“Even though our New Rochelle community got a really bad rap in the beginning, I believe we will be part of the cure. Because we were some of the first to get it, that means we were some of the first to recover and donate our blood and plasma.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“As more survivors were looking for ways to help, I realized we had to create a more efficient system, a better platform, to connect the survivors with the researchers to better stem the tide of this pandemic. So, we launched Survivor Corps as an open group on Facebook where anyone could join.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator

Dr. Odutola

“I was on call overnight in the ICU. When I came back home, I was exhausted so I went to my room to sleep. Around noon, I was really deep asleep and I heard my door​ like someone was going to break down the door…”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“For me, it was a matter of me gathering everything that I believed, biblically, being a Christian and holding onto the fact that I believe this to be true.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“The entire time, I was afraid for my two young girls. My husband was also sick, and I began to worry about who would take care of them if we were gone.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“We think it was the night we went out to celebrate his sister-in-law’s 40th birthday in early March. We went to a Mexican restaurant on Long Island that Friday night, and we shared lots of laughs and food. We took turns placing our straws into this mega margarita, passing it around the table. We didn’t think anything of it at the time, of course…” 

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