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Faith over fear, I can do this!

CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA: In 2012, I began losing weight, my pancreas failed, and I ended up in the ICU. I was in so much pain I couldn’t get out of bed. My body systems continued to shut down, and doctors had no answers. Finally, I entered an integrative medicine program and was diagnosed with Diabetes in 2012 and Lyme disease in 2014.

I began treatment and experienced the most difficult year of my life as my immune system failed and new symptoms developed. There were times when I thought I’d never had a normal life again. But after several years of working to heal my mind, body, and spirit, Lyme disease went into remission. I began to rebuild my life.

Then Covid came to the United States.

When news of Covid began to spread, I was not concerned because of all I’d already been through, healing from Lyme disease. Then I tested positive for Covid. I spent a night crying and letting all the stress out. Prayer brought me back to peace.

I kept telling myself, “Faith over fear, I can do this!”

My Covid symptoms began with chills and elevated temperature, then developed into headaches and breathing difficulties. Covid became real very fast and, even though I was young, I was concerned because other people my age were already in the hospital.

I had severe chest pain for more than two months, like sharp knives stabbing me. I always felt like I was suffocating. This was the scariest part of Covid.

I lost my senses of taste and smell. I had migraine headaches, and there was no relief. My blood sugar jumped to high levels, and I needed large doses of insulin to balance this out.

I had brain fog, loss of short-term memory. I’d get up to go to the kitchen then could not remember why I was standing. Sometimes I’d have brain surges, rushes of electricity through my brain that left me woozy.

There were weird symptoms, like my gums bleeding. I used coconut oil to desensitize them.

At one point, I blacked out, having difficulty breathing. My oxygen level dropped to 82, and I went to the hospital but was discharged within 24 hours. I began using a nebulizer, and my oxygen level stabilized to around 86.

I focused on my faith in God and the healing practices I’d used to recover from Lyme disease. I avoided watching the news and social media, anything that would upset my mind/faith balance. My only concern during that time was that I would die without letting the people I loved to know how much I cared for them.

After three months, I had two consecutive negative Covid tests, and I went back to work. I quickly realized that I was easily fatigued and still had difficulty breathing.

In my younger years, I was afraid of doctors and hospitals. But after the extensive time spent with medical professionals and facilities in healing my Lyme disease, I realized a new passion for helping heal others. I’m now working as a medical assistant and studying to be a doctor.

I love my job, love being productive, but sometimes my body won’t let me do what I want to do. I want my coworkers to know that my Covid long-haul symptoms sap my energy. I’m not lazy, I want to work, but I’m still recovering from the disease. 

My school work has suffered. Memory lapses make studying difficult, and this has affected my grades. But I’ll persevere and get through.

Now, nine months after Covid, my quality of life has significantly decreased. I have dysautonomia, and my blood sugar levels are irregular. I must pay attention to my diet. It takes constant daily work to manage my thoughts and emotions. Sometimes it is very difficult to push negative feelings aside and focus, instead, on the positive.

I hold on to the hope that my health will improve over time and I’ll get through these difficulties. This has been very challenging, but I’ll keep pushing through.

Covid affects people differently. For some, it’s quickly over; for others, recovery can take months. To those who are struggling with post-Covid symptoms, know that you are not alone. Do your best to take care of yourself, and healing will come.

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