Administrator Administrator


This athlete has been benched for 15 months because of Covid-19 related symptoms including dysautonomia.

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Administrator Administrator


“I am 33, but now I feel like I have the lungs of a 75-year-old.”

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Administrator Administrator


My whole life I was told I had a mental health disorder and my problems were all in my head. When I found out that it was Narcolepsy and Cataplexy and it could be fixed, it changed my life. I had five good years like that. Then, COVID-19 happened and my whole world changed again.

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Administrator Administrator


“Compared to MS, my COVID experience is nothing. I've had a cold that was worse. It was just an inconvenience.”

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Administrator Administrator


After 17 weeks of unexplainable, ongoing symptoms, Monica was diagnosed with COVID-induced lupus and is still fighting for workmen's compensation despite catching COVID at work.

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Administrator Administrator


“Ambulances and firetrucks arrived that night around 09:30PM. I sat downstairs in the pouring rain. The medics stood far away shouting, ‘Mam stay there. We’ll come to you!’ It felt like I had the plague or something. I watched them suit up. Then, I crawled my way up the steps into the ambulance. That evening I tested positive for COVID-19.”

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Administrator Administrator


“Three months after recovering, COVID reignited my rare autoimmune skin condition.”

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Administrator Administrator


“My body could not have survived this in the state it is in without the hand of God intervening.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


"The second day in the hospital, my health started to decline. It's as if my body was starting to shut down. I felt like death was in my room. I literally felt like I was dying..."

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“I was diagnosed May 16, 2016 with Multiple sclerosis (MS). I've had it since 2006 undiagnosed. I managed it up until recently with COVID.”

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USA Administrator USA Administrator


“My body doesn’t respond to bacteria and viruses in the way a healthy person’s immune system responds. You’re supposed to fight it. I kind of invite it over for lunch and help it hurt me.”

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