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AHMEDABAD, INDIA: I was the second person to test positive for Covid-19 in Ahmedabad, India.

I decided to take a trip to Finland to see the northern lights in early March 2020. I was tracking the coronavirus, but I thought it was too far from me. Still, I took extra precautions. I wore an N95 mask on the planes, sanitized my seating area, and washed my hands repeatedly.

Back home two weeks later I got a slight fever and isolated myself in my room. The fever persisted for two days. Then, I felt a slight cough and a little tightness in my chest. I called a customer who is also a doctor at a nearby hospital. She told me to come in and tested me for Covid-19.

Waiting for the test I counted time like never before.

Two days later I was admitted to the ICU with several other suspected cases. Two of us would become the first cases in Ahmedabad.

When doctors confirmed I tested positive for Covid-19 on March 20th, my first reaction was to ask them if they were sure. They were! My heart sank. I couldn't believe this could happen to someone so well informed and careful. Especially, when the illness was not in full bloom in my country or the country I visited (Finland) at the time. My emotions were high, the anxiety tremendous and the uncertainty troubling. I didn't know what to expect and the doctors couldn't tell me.

Within an hour of my diagnosis officials arrived at my house to fumigate, check my family for symptoms, and put them under quarantine. They gave them a snack pack and kit that contained masks and sanitizer to help with the sudden quarantine. At the hospital officials documented the details of my travel including flights and seats. It was reassuring to see all the quick steps taken by officials.

After fourteen days under quarantine my family was symptom free and released from the house. Officials placed a green sticker on their door signaling they could go outside. My biggest stress and worry finally came to rest. Soon after that I was discharged Covid-19 free to go back home to them.