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MULLICA HILL, NEW JERSEY: I remember the exact moment I felt something "different" come over me. I had a rush of a "constant flushing" of heat and my heart rate went through the roof. I had no idea what was coming.

For the last 28 days I have been battling this monster called COVID-19. It is not like the flu. Its not like allergies. Its an attack on your body like you can't imagine. You can literally feel its fury beating at your body. The first 9 days I had the fever, nausea, headache, lethargy, no taste or smell, no appetite, even sitting up was extremely difficult.

I was tested on the 27th. The results came back on April 1st -- I was hoping I was being fooled.

In the second week I had intermittent heaviness similar to bronchitis. On day 9 my fever broke, but my respiratory issues started to become worse. It was a heavy feeling like your lungs are turning to stone. I was still weak and scared. I had an inhaler (first time in my life) and sat upright as much as I could. I sat in the bathroom with steam to try to open up the heaviness, but nothing seemed to help.

There were so many times I thought it was time to go to the hospital, but that fear was paralyzing. The physical toll was massive, however, the anxiety and fear was crippling.

The third week, I still had respiratory issues but much less. I was beginning to feel I had turned the corner and was on the road to recovery. .
On day 25 I had lingering respiratory problem. It felt like I needed to clear my chest, but couldn't. I read a lot of people are having the lingering side effect for weeks as well.

I'm a healthy 56 year old wife, mother, daughter, sister, niece and aunt, and I’m thankful I can still be. I pray for everyone to stay safe and healthy.