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Photograph by Morgana Wingard

NEW YORK, NEW YORK: None of my family, neighbors, nor co-workers had the virus. A few days before I stopped going into work, I traveled there via the Lex and 53rd subway station. The platform was teaming with people. I could almost feel the germs.; like I was in a horror movie. It was terrifying because we were supposed to be social distancing, but there was nowhere to go. My suspicion is that I got it there. But, who knows.  

The minute I had a fever I knew I had the virus. It started with a slight fever, sore throat and cough which eventually grew into a hellish nightmare of high, high fevers, horrible coughing and other, not necessary to mention, indignities. That was followed by no appetite, horrible sweats, and doctor's orders to "hydrate like crazy." The fever lasted for 15 days.

My husband has a lung condition which makes it dangerous for him to get the virus so he quarantined himself in a hotel. 

I was the first in our coop to get the virus. We immediately told two of the six neighbors on our floor and some other friends elsewhere in the co-op. Word quickly spread. My neighbors have been blessedly kind.  They left oranges, juice, bowls of rice, and goodie packages outside my door daily. Another neighbor bathed our family dog and sprayed its leash with Clorox.

I’m grateful that no one is made me feel like a leper. I was comforted by not feeling alone.

People from all parts of my life texted me. My boyfriend from college texted me. I felt as though I was in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’ ”

The good news for me is that throughout the ordeal, I was able to breathe, and that is huge.  I can only imagine having what I have had, but not being able to draw breath from my lungs. I  look forward to donating antibodies and doing whatever I can to help others from getting this miserable illness.  I know I am one of the lucky ones. I am in good shape and am strong.

Barbara is a real estate publicist in New York City.

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