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DALLAS, TEXAS: On March 20, I tested positive with Covid-19 and what a whirlwind it’s been. I am sharing this information so each of you can be aware my symptoms and my journey. This is just what I went through so keep that in mind, as each of our bodies are different and symptoms may be different for each person. Please always reach out to your healthcare practitioner if you believe you are symptomatic.

For the first couple days I had a very dry cough and then suddenly, BAM 💥, I felt like death. Dry Cough,horrible headaches, chest pain (like someone was stabbing me with a knife in my chest every time I would take a deep breath). Other symptoms: fever/chills, night-sweats, no appetite, diarrhea😬🤷‍♀️, dehydration. I was constantly exhausted!

Please note, I did take hydroxychloroquine combined with a Z-Pack. I started taking hydroxychloroquine first and then received the Z pack a couple of days later. I would say after day 3 of taking the zpack, my breathing started to get better and the chest pain started to subside.

I am now on Day 18 of when my symptoms started. I am probably 75% better; but still very tired with a lingering cough. I would not say I’m “back to normal” because my normal is not sitting in bed all day! My body is working hard to heal! I am a healthy, “somewhat” athletic person and this virus 🦠 severely affected me!

BUT with all this said and even though there were times I thought my husband was going to be a single father, I made it!!! It’s scary as hell but please know we WILL get through this and I am here to listen to anyone who feels anxious or has tested positive!! Please reach out.

Thank you SO much to everyone who has helped me through this- my family, friends,doctors, nurses you know who you are❤️👊🏻especially to my husband and my kids. They have been my ROCK!

Don’t forget, listen to the scientists, “shelter in”, stay healthy and send love and prayers to the frontlines! #covid #covidjourney #coronavid19 #coronavirus