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During the height of the Covid outbreak in New York, Rissi cared for residents in a group home but never caught Covid herself possibly due to her natural health protocols

In March [2020], we were getting concerned about Covid. A resident felt ill and went to the hospital, but she was not tested for Covid. One of my patients had diarrhea and flu-like symptoms and I spent the entire night caring for him. The next day, several other patients had the same symptoms. Then I had two days off.

When I returned, I went to check on the patient who had been so sick and found him unconscious on the floor. He was transferred to the hospital and diagnosed with Covid. Several other patients also tested positive and the facility director decided to quarantine the floor. I talked with my husband and we agreed that I’d stay in quarantine with the patients to provide care for them. There were two of us caring for fourteen patients for two weeks.

We tested the blood oxygen levels and found that several of the patients were deteriorating. They were taken to the hospital. One patient refused to go. Later, when his condition worsened, he did consent. However, he later passed in the hospital.

When the quarantine ended, I resumed my regular hours. Patients who had been hospitalized returned in weak condition. some of them began to recover their health, some did not. The patients were given antibody tests and all came back positive. My coworker and myself, who had intimately cared for these people for two weeks during quarantine with limited PPE, tested negative.

I studied nutrition to become a health coach. I believe in the power of natural remedies and think that these helped me from developing the severe symptoms of Covid. While I was working with patients in quarantine, I trusted that the safety precautions and natural health protocols I was practicing would keep me safe.

I think the Covid pandemic is a wake-up call for people to pay attention to their personal health and diet. I worry about the disadvantaged communities, people living crowded into small apartments who can’t isolate and social distance, who don’t have access to good health care. My passion is nutrition and I’m advocating healthier eating and natural remedies through my website.

I want everyone to know how they can access their own natural healing powers.